May Day

2197 days ago

May Day, Workers Day, the Useful idiots marching sure ain't workers but are truly ignorant of history

As part of my life as an evil capitalist I risked my capital to buy a failing restaurant, worked 70 hour weeks, turned it round so saved a number of jobs. What a fucking bastard I am. How fucking selfish can you be? That restaurant was in Clerkenwell and every May Day the annual Workers March would pass by my front window leaving me gawping in amazement. For starters there were almost no members of the indigenous working class present. Instead the ranks of Kurdish Communists and the oppressed of sun Saharan Africa were swollen by thousands of members of the middle classes. 


3660 days ago

Riot porn from Athens Greece on the way on May 1st – your man is on the spot camera in hand

Unless I am very much mistaken the poster below advertisers a worker’s day demonstration in Syntagma Square Athens, opposite the Parliament of Greece on May 1st. As you know I want to help the workers at every opportunity and so shall be there to show solidarity.

Of course workers would be far better off and have far more opportunity for material advancement ( i.e. higher take-home pay) if employers were encouraged to take them on by abolishing the minimum wage, scrapping employers NI, abolishing all “employment rights” laws, taking anyone on under £20,000 out of the tax system etc. But I am not sure that I will share my thoughts of anarcho-capitalism with the comrades tomorrow.


Will it be a peaceful demo? Hmmm, I sense that rioting can become a bit addictive.
